Managing Your Dog’s Well-being During 3-Day Absences

We’ve all faced it – that moment when you’re packing your suitcase, and your furry friend gives you those pleading eyes. Leaving your dog home alone isn’t an easy decision, especially when it’s for three whole days. But sometimes, it’s unavoidable. This article will delve into the critical aspects of leaving your dog home alone for an extended period. 

Leaving Dog Home Alone for 3 Days

Physical Health Concerns

Leaving a dog alone for three days puts it’s physical health in peril. A variety of issues can occur that may require medical attention, which isn’t available if the dog is unattended. Inconsistency in feeding times can disrupt a dog’s digestive system, leading to problems like constipation, diarrhea, or even serious conditions like Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus, a deadly disease commonly found in large breeds. For instance, dogs like Great Danes, German Shepherds, and Saint Bernards are more prone to this condition

Emotional and Psychological Effects

Experiencing solitude for three days may distress a dog emotionally and psychologically. Dogs are social animals; hence, a sudden shift from constant companionship to solitude may trigger separation anxiety. Symptoms include excessive barking, destructive behavior, and attempts to escape. Dogs like Labrador Retrievers, Vizsla, and Border Collies, who are known for their attachment to their human counterparts, may exhibit intense separation anxiety. Moreover, an unstimulated dog may suffer from boredom, leading to distress behaviors like excessive chewing or clawing at doors. 

Preparing Your Home for Your Absence

Safety Measures

Safety remains a prime concern when you’re leaving a dog home alone for 72 hours. To ensure a safe environment, remove hazards such as toxic plants, objects that can cause choking, or loose wires that your pet may chew. Cordon off sections, if necessary, using barrier gates, restricting access to areas like the kitchen where the risks of accidents can be high. Regular checks for possible nooks that your dog might get stuck in provide a safer environment as dogs often seek hidden places when they are anxious or scared. To keep track of your pet’s actions, consider installing pet safety cameras around the house. Real-life instances of pet parents using technology to monitor their furry friends have proven the effectiveness of these safety measures. 

Food and Water Arrangements

When it comes to food and water, there’s a trade-off between keeping the supply plentiful and maintaining the freshness of the provisions. Avoid leaving wet food out, as it tends to spoil quickly. Dry food is a better choice, as it stays fresh for longer periods. Automatic feeders that dispense meals at a set schedule can balance the availability and freshness of food. For instance, the PetSafe Healthy Pet Simply Feed Automatic Feeder is a popular choice known for its reliability. Hydration is as critical as nutrition. An automated water dispenser offers a practical solution that can provide a constant supply of fresh water. Petmate’s Replendish Gravity Waterer is a tried-and-tested option often hailed for its convenience and efficiency.

Professional Pet Sitters

In case of a long absence, securing the services of a professional pet sitter poses a significant advantage. These professionals provide personalized care for your dog in the comfortable surroundings of your home.A pet sitter offers multiple visits per day, involving feeding, walking, and playtime. For instance, National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS) indicates that a pet sitter should visit a pet three to four times a day. They also monitor your dog for signs of illness or distress, ensuring timely medical attention, if needed. In addition, you benefit from the security services such as collecting mail, turning on lights to deter burglars, which generally come as an added bonus with their offering.

Boarding Facilities and Kennels

Boarding facilities offer another viable solution. These establishments accommodate dogs in a safe environment and guarantee regular feeding times and exercise routines.Most kennels now offer 24/7 supervision and have vets on call. For instance, American Boarding Kennels Association (ABKA) recommends a ratio of 1 staff member for every 10-15 dogs.Here, dogs receive socialization opportunities, as most facilities have designated play areas for interactions. Socialization is crucial for your pet’s mental health, as it reduces stress and prevents behavioral problems.